Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rise of Totalitarianism after WW1

         After WW1, most countries was led to unemployment and depression. This caused totalitarian leaders to rise. These four people are one of the leaders, they wanted to rule the whole world with their own way. These are the information I have about each of them. 

Joseph Stalin 

  • Date of Birth: December 18, 1878
  • Country they ruled: Russia, Soviet Union
  • Year they took power: 1924
  • Jobs they had before becoming a dictator: Stalin became involved in revolutionary politics 
  • Current political party: Communist Party of the Soviet Union
  • How they became dictator: Stalin outmaneuvered his rivals and won the power of control of the Communist Party them he later on became a dictator

Benito Mussolini             

  • Date of Birth: July 29, 1883
  • Country they ruled: Italy 
  • Year they took power: 1924
  • Jobs they had before becoming dictator: Mussolini was originally a revolutionary socialist 
  • Current political party: National Fascist Party 
  • How they became dictator: Mussolini led a proponent of Fascist

Adolf Hitler 

  • Date of Birth: April 20, 1886 
  • Country they ruled: Germany 
  • Year they took power: 1933
  • Jobs they had before becoming dictator: Hitler worked for the military while monitoring the German Workers' Party
  • Current political party: Nazi Party
  • How they became a dictator: Hitler made a speech to Germany to help them from their depression

Emperor Hirohito

  • Date of Birth: April 29, 1901 
  • Country they ruled: Japan
  • Year they took power: 1926
  • Jobs they had before becoming dictator: Hirohito went to Gakushuim School. Then attended a special institute which conditioned him emperor
  • Current political party: Democratic (Minscito) Party
  • How they became dictator: After the death of Hirohito's father, he was made emperor


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